TQUK International Instructor Program
More recognizable and affirmative

Do you have the skills but don't know how to teach?
The International Mentorship Program helps you to become a mentor in your own professional field! 

More recognition and affirmation, to build an extraordinary life for yourself, to achieve a different you "International Mentorship Program", for you to open up a higher field, for different professional areas of you to develop unlimited possibilities.

The course is taught in Chinese and Cantonese, supplemented by English terminology. The course is 48 hours long, from theory to practice, and will greatly enhance your professionalism and teaching skills.

Course introduction

Instructor Course Description (48 hours course duration):

Module 1: Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training
1.1 Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training
1.2 Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment
1.3 Understanding the relationship between teachers and other education and training professionals

Module 2: Understanding Inclusive Teaching Methods in Education and Training
2.1 Understanding inclusive pedagogical approaches in education and training
2.2 Ways to understand and create different inclusive teaching environments
Practical exercises in the classroom:
2.3 Be able to plan for inclusive teaching and learning
2.4 Ability to provide inclusive teaching and learning
2.5 Be able to evaluate the delivery of inclusive teaching and learning

Module 3: Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment
3.1 Understanding the principles and requirements of assessment
3.2 Understanding different types of assessment methods
3.3 Understand how to plan an assessment
3.4 Understand how to involve learners and others in assessment
3.5 Understanding how assessment decisions are made
3.6 Understanding Quality Assurance in the Assessment Process
3.7 Understand how to manage information related to assessment
3.8 Knowledge of the legal and good practice requirements relating to assessment

This course is very rich and varied and the above is only a rough summary of the chapters for reference.

The fee for the Instructor Course is HK$15,800, which includes the following items:
.The Professional Theory textbooks have been included
The One certificate application fee
.A certificate of empathy from the school.
