Hot Stone Massage Therapy Course

Welcome to our Hot Stone Massage Professional Program! This program will lead you into a world of relaxation and healing power. Hot Stone Massage is an ancient and effective therapeutic technique that combines the energy of warm stones with massage techniques to promote balance and well-being of the mind, body and spirit. In this program, you will learn the techniques and theories of hot stone massage and gain the skills needed to become a professional hot stone massage therapist.

Whether you want to become a professional massage therapist or you are interested in hot stone massage techniques and want to provide a soothing and relaxing treatment for yourself and your family, this hot stone massage professional program will be ideal for you. Through our professional instruction and practice, you will learn hot stone massage techniques and receive a certificate. Our program will include training in theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal care techniques to ensure that you have the combination of skills required to be a good hot stone massage therapist.


The Hot Stone Massage Therapy program includes:

1. The origin of hot stone massage:
The Discover the history and origins of hot stone massage.
The Understand the use and beliefs of hot stone massage in different cultures.

2. The benefits of hot stone massage:
The details the various benefits and effects of hot stone massage.
The Learn how to apply hot stone massage to relieve stress and reduce fatigue.
The Exploring the Improving Effects of Hot Stone Massage on Mental Stress and Sleep.
The Understand the benefits of hot stone massage for weight loss and health promotion.
The Learn how to use hot stone massage to improve muscle soreness, especially in the bladder and arm area.
The Exploring the effects of hot stone massage on lymphatic and venous circulation in the lower extremities.

3. Contraindications and points to know for Hot Stone Massage:
The Understand the contraindications and cautions for hot stone massage.
The Explore the acupoints of different body parts and their corresponding massage methods.
The ... Learn how to perform an appropriate hot stone massage based on the client's needs and condition.

4. Recognition of massage oils:
The Learn about the different types of massage oils and their properties.
The Learn how to select and apply massage oils suitable for hot stone massage.

5. supplies and preparation for hot stone massage:
The Explore the various paraphernalia and equipment needed for hot stone massage.
The Learn how to prepare work areas and clients beforehand.

6. The process of hot stone massage:
The Learn the basic process and steps of hot stone massage.
The ... Explore different hot stone massage tips and techniques.
The ... Practice hot stone massage techniques, including stone placement and application.
The Learn how to adjust the intensity and rhythm of a hot stone massage to the client's needs and condition.

The fee for the Hot Stone Massage Therapy course is HK$$2,880, which includes the following items:
The Application Fee for Hot Stone Massage Therapy Course (additional certificate extra $1,800 ~ $3,200)
A certificate from the Keratin Program at Empathy School.
